
CoCoS.ai is an innovative project funded by the Serbian government’s Innovation Fund (Collaborative Grant Scheme Program, project ID 50314). An awarded consortium is a collaboration between two member organizations:


Ultraviolet is a company with a reputation in the security domain. It has several big clients for whom it has been building innovative products, participating in the whole product lifecycle. Ultraviolet will coordinate the project and will be building a practical and usable user experience and the SaaS offering in the cloud. UV will ensure that a high-quality and attractive product is pushed to the market and that it comes ahead of the competition. UV will also handle the marketing and sales aspects of the product.


ETF University of Belgrade has a reputation as the top academic institution in the country. Experts from ETF in the domain of data security and protection will be engaged to bring novel research and IP into the product. While UV will be in charge of overall product integration (UI, AI/ML orchestration, user management, result visualization, etc.), the ETF team will focus on TEEs and novel protocols for secure multi-party computation. They will be advancing the science in the confidential computing domain, which is new but is gaining popularity very fast.